
Tim Talks Politics is one guy’s attempt to bring some nuance and civility to our political discussions.

Prior to a free press, assembly, or any of the other freedoms that create a democratic ecosystem, a democracy of any form needs citizens.  Not just warm bodies in the voting booths, but informed individuals who are, engaged, and civil.  Without that, we quickly lose our sense of and value of those freedoms.

I love government and politics.  Love studying them, talking about them and debating them.  So it’s been really disappointing to see how divided American society has become over politics.  It’s so bad that we no longer connect with each other as fellow citizens, but as adversaries.

We need to recapture a sense of common purpose and value (believe me, it does exist) as citizens in a democracy, but that’s only going to happen when we can have civil conversations about an accepted canon of knowledge.

So what do I do here?

The mission of Tim Talks Politics is to curate and comment on high-quality information from across the political spectrum to help you accomplish two things:

  1. Understand the whys and hows behind government process and policy.
  2. Develop a model for civil political discourse and the tools to carry it out.

I want to help rebuild a sense of virtuous citizenship, one civil conversation at a time.

If you think that’s a mission you can get behind, please consider supporting Tim Talks Politics with a one-time or monthly donation. Thank you!